Injustice In The Media

By Iris Martyn, Form 6 •   In 1903, outspoken suffragettes “defaced” thousands of one-penny coins by stamping “Votes for Women” onto them and releasing them back into circulation. In fact, ever since complex human social structures came into existence, those who have suffered under their dividing, categorising, and often somewhat arbitrary rules have sought…

Turkey’s T-Junction

By Kelsey Clarke, Form 6 • Bruised from foreign policy failure and turning towards illiberal Putinism, Erdogan plays a dangerous game. Has any country changed as much as Turkey in the 20th century? Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Turkey went from being the heart of the world’s last caliphate to being a secular,…

Carrot Sticks or Joysticks; Are Video Games Good For You?

by Ellen Peden, Form 1 ♦ Have your parents ever told you to stop playing video games because it will damage your vision? If so, they are wrong. Scientists believe that, although they don’t do much for education, video games involving guns or shooting will improve a person’s eyesight in low-light conditions. Research has found that…

Slang Words

By Amy Marsh, Form 1 ♦ The definition of slang is: the informal use of phrases and words. Slang can be used in many different ways – in texts and talking to friends, tweets and Facebook posts, but are slang words such a good thing?  I am sure that you could think of a few right…

Fighting Ebola in West Africa

by Iris Martyn, Form 6 ♦ In Guinea on December 8th, a two-year-old boy died just a few days after developing feverish symptoms. “Patient Zero” lived near Liberia and Sierra Leone, where over 2,000 people have been infected and nearly 1,000 have died. The primary reason for the uncontrollable spread of ebola is that it is…

Referendum Results: A Better Scotland, A Better UK

by Kelsey Clarke, Form 6 • I feel sorry for anyone who didn’t stay up for the referendum; I was exhausted literally, mentally and intellectually by the end of it, and the reason why might be hard to appreciate if you just had a nice sleep instead. The shock Clackmannanshire result at 1am; the excited comments…

“It’ll affect 16 year olds more because they’ll have to live with it for much longer.” – MSP Keith Brown on Scottish Independence (Interview)

By Amenah Cheema, Form 6 • As the Independence Referendum carries such heavy potential consequences for Scotland’s future, it is of huge importance to inform voters and answer the vital questions. Keith Brown, a member of the Scottish National Party and the Member of Scottish Parliament for Clackmannanshire and Dunblane, was kind enough to come into Dollar…

The Tragedy of South Sudan

By Kelsey Clarke, Form 5 • The world watches in horror and awe as a desperate search is mounted to rescue some two hundred kidnapped girls from the terrorist group Boko Haram in Nigeria. Meanwhile, we also continue to wince as Syria haemorrhage refugees and life in its increasingly brutal civil war. In the midst of…

Xocolatl and Little Stars: Etymology Quarterly

By Iris Martyn, Form 5 • 1. Chocolate.  The Aztec ruler Montezuma II is reported to have drunk fifty cups of xocolatl, a spicy cocoa drink, every day. Cocoa, and the word “chocolatl”, was quickly accepted by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century and spread to Europe, eventually being adapted to a solid, milky, sugary product.…